To maintain the quality and standard of teaching, United International University (UIU) authorities require that faculty members would follow the guidelines listed below:
- A faculty member shall distribute a detailed Course Outline during the first week of classes preferably in the 1st or 2nd class lecture. The outline should indicate the faculty member’s office hours, date-wise teaching schedule, title of the textbook(s), course objectives, course requirements, grading policy and other policy guidelines regarding quizzes, assignments, case analysis, project work, term paper and penalty for academic indiscipline, etc. A copy of the Course Outline is to be submitted to the concerned Head/Director/Coordinator of the Department/Program/Institute at the end of the trimester.
- The official medium of instruction at UIU is English. So, a faculty member should deliver class lectures in English.
- A faculty member should use textbooks(s) for each course. Latest available edition of the textbook(s) should be used and recommended.
- Students’ attendance record should be kept regularly by collecting signatures in the Attendance Sheet and must be submitted to the concerned Head/Director/ Coordinator of the Dept./Program/Institute at the end of the Trimester.
- Upon receipt of a Class Attendance Sheet, a faculty member shall announce the names on the sheet in the class. Students, whose names do not appear on the sheet but are attending classes, must be advised to contact the concerned Assistant Registrar immediately. A student is not supposed to attend classes without registration. A faculty member would also ensure that no student can attend any examination after Mid-Term Exam if his/her name is not included in the Class Attendance Sheet due to non-completion of his/her registration.
- Classes should begin and end in the scheduled time. Classes missed due to unavoidable circumstances have to be made up. If any faculty member misses any class for personal inability, he/she must notify the students ahead of time. A faculty member intending to take Make-up/Extra Classes has to furnish his/her requisition for a room(s) though ‘Online Room Booking System’. For further queries in this regard, faculty members may contact Controller of Examinations.
- A faculty member has to be available for student counselling beyond his/her class hours. The weekly schedule detailing class hour and counselling hour for students must be displayed on the door of a faculty member’s room and a copy of the same should be submitted to the respective Head of the Dept./Director/Coordinator of the Department/Program/Institute. However, some Faculty Members might be required to take tutorial classes of students in lieu of their Counseling Hours.
- In addition to Final Examination, Mid-Term Exam and Class Tests are to be conducted in each course in a single trimester in the following manner:
School of Business & Economics | School of Science & Engineering | ||
No. of Mid-Term Exam to be conducted | 1 | No. of Mid-Term Exam to be conducted | 1 |
No. of Class Tests to be conducted | 3 (Minimum) | No. of Class Tests to be conducted | 4 (of which best 3 Class Tests should have to be taken into consideration). |
Exam scripts of Class Tests/Quizzes and Mid-Term Exams shall have to be made available to the students within 3 (three) days and 7 (seven) days respectively of holding of the Tests/Exams. Answer scripts shall have to be taken back from students and be submitted to the concerned Departmental Asst. Registrar/Sr. Executive/ Executive at the end of the trimester. Please read the following for details about the Question/Exam Script Return Policy.
8(a) After the Final Exam is over and submission of grade, please prepare a file for each course which will contain i) Three Answer Scripts (one best, one having medium score and one having poor score) of Mid-Term Exam ii) Three Answer Scripts (one best, one having medium score and one having poor score) of Final Exam iii) Question Papers of the Mid and Final Exam iv) Attendance Sheets.
8(b) Please return each Course File to the Departmental Asst. Registrar/Sr. Executive/Executive along with the rest of Answer Scripts and Class Test Scripts in separate bundles.
- Percentage of weightage of the tests/exams:
School of Business & Economics | School of Science & Engineering | ||
Class Attendance | 5% | Class Attendance | 5% |
Class Tests | 15% | Class Tests | 20% |
Assignments | 15% | Assignments | 5% |
Mid-Term Exam | 25% | Mid-Term Exam | 30% |
Final Exam | 40% | Final Exam | 40% |
Total | 100% | Total | 100% |
- Students, who have not appeared in the Mid-Term Exam(s), may be allowed to appear in the Make-up Test. Course Teacher as well as the concerned Head of the Department should ensure that only genuine cases are entertained while permitting students to sit for a Make-up Test.
- Absolute fairness in grading of exam scripts in all exams, assignments etc. should be maintained. The grading process should be made transparent to all students.
- Letter grades and grade points are used to evaluate the performance of a student in a given course. A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, and D will be the passing grades while “F” the failing grade. The numerical grades used in calculating the GPA/CGPA are as follows:
Letter Grade | Grade Point | Marks (%) |
A (Plain) | 4.00 | 90 -100 |
A- (Minus) | 3.67 | 86 – 89 |
B+ (Plus) | 3.33 | 82 – 85 |
B (Plain) | 3.00 | 78 – 81 |
B- (Minus) | 2.67 | 74 -77 |
C+ (Plus) | 2.33 | 70 – 73 |
C (Plain) | 2.00 | 66 – 69 |
C- (Minus) | 1.67 | 62 – 65 |
D+ (Plus) | 1.33 | 58 – 61 |
D (Plain) | 1.00 | 55 – 57 |
- Final grades shall have to be submitted within 96 hours of holding of the Final Exam and Final Exam Scripts within two weeks of completion of Final Exams to the concerned Departmental Asst. Registrar/Sr. Executive/Executive.
- A faculty member may assign an “I” (Incomplete) grade when a student cannot appear in the Final Exam due to unforeseeable incidents. A student must appear in the Exam in which he/she is given “I” grade within 15 (fifteen) days of the following trimester, otherwise “I” will turn into “F” automatically. Students applying for ‘I’ (Incomplete) Grade in a particular Trimester would not be eligible for any Scholarship Scheme of UIU for the corresponding Trimester.
- Reconsideration of Grade Change Policy: A student has to apply for grade change of a course to the concerned Head/Director/Coordinator of the Dept./Program within 1 (one) week of the beginning of the classes of the following Trimester. The concerned Head/Director/Coordinator has to complete the formalities within 3 (three) days of the receiving of the application of the student and submit the same to the office of the Controller of Examinations.
- While a faculty member performs duties as an Invigilator in the Examination Hall, he/she should remain cautious & careful so that no Answer Script/Additional Sheet is issued unsigned and without date by the Invigilator. Besides, a faculty member must return the unused Answer Script to the concerned Departmental Asst. Registrar/Sr. Executive/Executive after completion of a particular examination. If the Answer Scripts are kept in his/her Office Room for any reason, it must be ensured that those are preserved in a safer place beyond the access of students/other persons.
- A faculty member should play a catalytic role in evolving moral & ethical values among the students. Students should be counseled for not adopting unfair means in the examination, simultaneously strict vigilance should be maintained in the Exam Hall so as to prevent adoption of unfair means by the students. Nevertheless, if a student adopts unfair means in the examination, the Invigilator(s) must report the incident in writing to the Office of the Registrar through concerned Head/ Director/ Coordinator of the Dept./Program along with relevant evidences immediately. Following types of punishment are meted out for adopting unfair means in the examination:
- Adopting Unfair Means for the 1st time:
- i) Class Test: Course Expulsion
- ii) Mid-Term (1/2) & Final Exam: Trimester Expulsion
- Adopting Unfair Means for the 2nd time:
- i) Any type of Test/Exam: Trimester Expulsion
- Adopting Unfair Means for the 3rd time:
- i) Any type of Test/Exam: Expulsion from the University
- Unauthorized possession/use of digital diary, mobile phone and other electronic data storage devices are strictly prohibited for students inside the Exam Hall. So, faculty members should remain cautious & careful to ensure the matter while they are on invigilation duties during examinations. Simultaneously, UIU authorities also expect that faculty members would refrain themselves from using mobile phones inside Exam Halls.
- A faculty member must maintain strict confidentiality in preparing questions and photocopying of the same for Tests/Quizzes/Exams and all other university matters as required. He/she must be physically present while the original question papers are being photocopied by the Attendants.
- The maximum allowable time for completion of any undergraduate degree will be 6 (six) years and for any graduate degree 4 (four) years.
- For the students of both undergraduate & graduate programs, the minimum CGPA requirement for acceptable academic standing will be 2.0. If a student’s CGPA falls below 2.0 at any time, he/she will be placed on academic probation.
Undergraduate students, who have completed less than 60 credits, will be given maximum 3 ‘Probation Notices’ in consecutive trimesters (once in a trimester) to come out of the state of probation. If such students fail to raise their CGPA to the level of 2.00 within the given time period, they will be dismissed from the respective Program. The students, whose completion of credits are 60 and above, may be given more than 3 ‘Probation Notices’ (once in a trimester) which would require placing in a meeting of Academic & Admin Committee along with justification(s) for its approval.
In case of graduate programs, maximum 3 ‘Probation Notices’ in consecutive trimesters (once in a trimester) will be given to the students to come out of the state of probation whose completion of credits are below 15 credits. In case of failure to raise the CGPA to the level of 2.0 within the stipulated time period, concerned students will be dismissed from the respective Program. If concerned students complete minimum 15 credits, they may be given more than 3 ‘Probation Notices’ (once in a trimester) which would also require placing in a meeting of Academic & Admin Committee along with justification(s) for approval.
‘Students on probation’ of undergraduate programs may be allowed to register minimum 2 courses (6 credits) in a trimester.
- A student can take course(s) under Self-Study System if only 20 credits out of the total credits remain to be completed. However, a student will not be allowed to take a course under self-study system if that course is offered by the department in that particular trimester. Maximum number of students shall not exceed 6 (six) in a particular course under Self-Study System. The grades of Self-Study Courses should be submitted within the trimester in which the registration of courses has been made. If the grades are not submitted within the scheduled trimester, concerned students will be given “F” grade for the respective Self-Study Courses. Payments will be made to the Examiners after submission of grades.
- Graduate students willing to take Thesis will not be able to register more than 12 credits out of a total of 18 credits in a single trimester. The completion period of all undergraduate Project/Thesis/Internship works irrespective of credit hours shall be 2 (two) trimesters following the trimester on which last registration of the same has been made. The completion period of Thesis/Research Paper or Project/Internship/ Field Work in case of Graduate Programs having 3 Credit Hours will be same as above. The completion period of all such works having more than 3 Credit Hours will, however, be 3 (three) trimesters following the trimester on which the last registration is made.
- A faculty member is not allowed to undertake outside assignments, academic or otherwise, for financial gain without written permission from appropriate authority. Besides, a full-time employee would be required to take written permission of the university authorities for holding of a post(s) of any organization. social, religious or political organization/party etc., if any.
- A faculty member (in the rank of Lecturer only) would be required to qualify IELTS Test with a minimum score of 6.5 within one year of the date of his/her joining. If the condition is already fulfilled, relevant certificate has to be submitted to the Registrar’s Office at the time of his/her joining. This condition will be prerequisite for applying for promotion to the higher position. If the Lecturers, who were not given the condition of qualifying IELTS Test with a minimum score of 6.5, applied for promotion to the position of Senior Lecturer could be promoted if they can fulfill all the requirements for getting promotion to the position of Senior Lecturer. However, it would be required to qualify the IELTS Test with a minimum score of 6.5 if they intend to be promoted to the next higher position i.e. Assistant Professor (Category 2) subsequently.
- A faculty member will be entitled to a yearly grant for obtaining membership of professional body/attending/presenting paper in the Conference/Seminar/Workshop up to a maximum amount of 25,000/- in a fiscal year subject to availability of funds. An amount equivalent to 50% of Registration Fee will be borne by UIU in respect of obtaining membership of any professional body e.g. IEEE, ICMA etc. or attending any Conference/Seminar/Workshop by a faculty member without presentation of a paper. The grant will, however, be 100% in case of presenting a paper in any Conference/Seminar/Workshop. If a paper is authored jointly by more than one author, the amount entitled will be distributed among the authors proportionately.
- In order to ensure safety of the University Campus, to prevent thefts, accidents originating from electrical short circuits as well as to avoid the misuse of power and unnecessary consumption of electricity, a faculty member should be careful of the following:
- Lock his/her own room while leaving the room even for few moments.
- Ensure that light, fan/air conditioner etc. are switched off at the time of departure. UIU authorities earnestly expect that all faculty members would maintain austerity in respect of using electricity.
- If a faculty member engages Graduate Assistant(s)/Undergraduate Assistant(s) to work in his/her room in his/her absence, the concerned faculty member should make sure that the room is properly locked and light, fan/air conditioner are properly switched off at the time of their departure.
- If a room is shared by more than one faculty member, it is the responsibility of that faculty member who leaves last to lock the door as well as to switch off the light, fan/air conditioner of a room.
- A faculty member should remain careful about the following matters:
- As per decision taken in the 82nd meeting of Selection Committee, a faculty member would be required to submit his/her application for promotion at least 3 (three) days before the meeting of a Selection Committee or else the application would not be placed in that meeting. The application of a faculty member seeking promotion shall have to be submitted to the Registrar’s Office through the concerned Head of the Department and Dean of the School. An applicant must attach his/her latest CV, attested photocopies of all academic certificates & transcripts, list of publications, experience certificate(s) of previous experience(s)[if any], photocopy of the 1st page of publication(s), letter(s) of acceptance of publication(s) [if the publication(s) are yet to be published] with the application for promotion. A faculty member can only be able to submit his/her application for promotion if the required criteria for the applied position are fulfilled.
- Apart from this, a faculty member should submit application for any other purpose to the Registrar’s Office giving at least 3 (three) days’ time to prepare the required paper/certificate in order to facilitate smooth running of the process by the Registrar’s Office.
- If a faculty member needs leave in working day(s), he/she must apply to the Registrar through the concerned Head/Director/Coordinator of the Dept./Program/Institute in the prescribed ‘Leave Application Form’ available at Departmental Office. He/she must also inform the students about his/her absence as well as the schedule of make-up class(es).
- A faculty member is entitled to Casual Leave for 10 days, Sick Leave for 10 days and Earned Leave for 21 days in a single calendar year. The application for Sick Leave must be supported by medical certificate from his/her attending physician. If a faculty member does not enjoy the Earned Leave fully or partially, the earned leave credited to his/her leave account will be lapsed after completion of that particular calendar year. A faculty member may be sanctioned Earned Leave in conjunction with (prefix) Study Leave only on condition that the concerned faculty member has completed all sorts of assignments (taking make-up classes & other duties of the period of Earned Leave) beforehand. A faculty member may also be sanctioned ‘Earned Leave in advance’ upto a maximum period of 21 days in addition to the Earned Leave he/she is entitled at the time of taking leave in order to perform Holy Hajj. Concerned faculty member will not, however, be entitled to any Earned Leave upto one year of his/her joining after returning from Holy Hajj. A faculty member will be able to avail this facility for once only during his/her whole service period at UIU.
- A faculty member can avail Study Leave/Extra-ordinary Leave at any time of the Trimester but he/she will not be permitted to join back in the middle of a Trimester. However, a faculty member can join in the middle of a Trimester only if the concerned Head of the Department considers that the faculty can be assigned with his/her usual full load.
- If a faculty member is sanctioned long leave (Maternity Leave/Extra-ordinary Leave/ Duty Leave/Visit outside the Country), he/she would be required to submit a Joining Report at the time of his/her joining after completion of the leave.
- If a faculty member needs to go outside the station (Dhaka), prior approval from the concerned university authorities would be required upon submission of an application for leave along with station leave in the prescribed Leave Form. If a faculty member stands in need of leaving the station (Dhaka) on Friday/Holiday, it will also be binding to him/her to submit the application for leave seeking station leave only in the prescribed Leave Form.
- A faculty member would be required to submit application to the Registrar’s Office through the concerned Head of the Department/Program/Institute seeking regularization of service soon after completion of his/her one-year probationary period/period of ad hoc appointment.
- A faculty member intending to tender resignation/seeking Study Leave/Extra-ordinary Leave/Lien would be required to give one month’s notice (application) to be submitted to the Registrar’s Office through the concerned Head/Director/Coordinator of the Dept/Program/Institute. However, a faculty member resigning from UIU employment at the middle of a trimester will be exempted from salary deduction if he/she completes his/her assigned services of the trimester fully on a part-time basis after the resignation date. Those resigning at the end of a particular trimester will also be exempted from salary deduction even if they were unable to submit their resignation letters before the minimum required period i.e. 1 (one) month.
- A faculty member coming back to join UIU for a short span of time during the period of his Study Leave sanctioned earlier may work as regular faculty members provided that he/she will stay at UIU for a minimum of 2 consecutive trimesters. In such cases, the Study Leave sanctioned to him/her will remain suspended and his/her Study Leave will be extended further for the period of his/her stay at UIU. He/she will be assigned with usual course load and his/her salary will be paid in accordance with his/her last drawn salary before leaving UIU on study leave. However, if any revision is made in the pay scale after their leaving, the calculation of salary will be done in the revised pay scale.
A faculty member joining UIU for a single trimester only has to serve as a part-time faculty member. He/she will also be assigned with usual course load and his/her remuneration will be paid on monthly basis which will be his/her gross monthly salary last drawn before leaving UIU on Study Leave. The calculation of salary will, however, be made in the latest revised pay scale, if any. Since the status of the faculty member will be treated as part-time service, he/she will not be entitled to Festival Allowance if any festival is held during the period of his/her service at UIU for a single trimester.
Besides, a faculty member on Study Leave intending to join UIU for a short span of time has to report for joining a particular trimester within a week of the official starting of the classes of that trimester and will not be allowed to leave 1 (one) week before the ending of the classes of the trimester as mentioned in the Academic Calendar of that trimester.
- As per decision taken in the 148th meeting of Academic & Admin Committee, official e-mail addresses (created under UIU domain) of faculty members resigned/terminated from UIU will be deactivated just after one month of the resignation/termination of the concerned faculty member.
- As per decision taken in the 155th meeting of Academic & Admin Committee, a faculty member will not be able to marry a student of UIU so long he/she remains a student of UIU. In addition, a faculty member is not allowed to make any sort of comment on social media sites unbecoming on the part of a faculty member about any student of UIU of opposite gender. Besides, any relationship other than the normal faculty-student relationship must not exist between a faculty member and a student.