Proctorial Rules

United International University is dedicated to provide a comfortable, peaceful and nurturing learning environment. It is the duty of every student to help the authorities in maintaining a congenial and harassment-free environment in the campus. As per the directive of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, all educational institutions are to regulate and maintain the code of conduct of the students. Such an endeavor requires avoidance of improper behavior, indecent language and attire on the part of both male and female students. We expect that all of our students will behave in a proper manner and dress decently which is consistent with our culture and religion. UIU authorities have dealt with number of incidents of unacceptable behavior with appropriate degree of punishment. UIU authorities intend to make it very clear that improper behavior and any breach of the code of conduct in the campus will be dealt with zero tolerance. We seek cooperation and assistance from the rule abiding students of UIU to uphold the good name of the university in the days to come.

UIU authorities have formed a proctorial committee to monitor the activities of the students to which any violation in the rules of the university will be reported and dealt with. Students may directly contact any member of the proctorial committee in case of necessity.

Disciplinary Rules:

The guidelines for the disciplinary rules are given below:

  1. Students without wearing an ID card will not be allowed to enter into UIU Campus. They must also wear their ID Cards all the time while they are inside the University campus.
  2. Students must not willfully damage, disfigure or destroy any university property.
  3. No club or society other than the recognized clubs or associations will be allowed to be formed. No party or entertainment shall be held at the university premises nor shall a student play musical instrument(s) or use a loud speaker at university premises during university hours without prior permission of the Proctor.
  4. No meeting of the students other than the meetings organized by the university or different Departments/Institutes or student clubs recognized by the university shall be held at any part of the university campus without prior permission of the concerned authorities.
  5. Unauthorized display of posters at university premises is not allowed.
  6. No demonstration shall be organized in any part of the university campus.
  7. Uploading indecent pictures or posting indecent and falsified comments via any website/ Social media like Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, email, etc. is strictly prohibited.
  8. Association with any social, political or religious organization connected with activities endangering the security of life & property of the citizens or of the state is strictly prohibited.

Code of Conduct regarding wearing of dresses at university campus:

  1. It is expected that all students of UIU would wear decent dresses consistent with our Bangladeshi culture.
  2. Wearing of ‘shorts’ or sleeveless dress is strictly prohibited at university campus for a male or a female student.
  3. A female student is expected to wear long and loose fitting decent clothes at the university campus.

Code of Conduct regarding male & female student relationship:

  1. It is expected that the relationship between male & female students should be such that no nuisance or untoward incident occurs at university campus. The relationship between male & female students should be friendly but would not cross the limit of decency.
  2. Students of opposite sex should avoid touching each other (like holding hands, etc.).
  3. Students should refrain themselves from using indecent phrases or words or physically assaulting their fellow students even in the case of a disagreement or quarrel.

Code of Conduct regarding the usage of social media:

This policy is exclusively for students and provides information on the appropriate use of social media to their status as a student of the university, or when directly or indirectly referring the university. This policy will remain in effect along with other existing policies and proctorial rules of United International University. For the purpose of this policy, the term ‘Social Media’ is used to describe channels dedicated to community-based input, interactions, content sharing and collaboration. Websites and applications dedicated to forums, microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking, social curation and wikis are among the different types of social media. It currently includes, but are not limited to, Facebook (and Messenger), Instagram, WhatsApp, Viber, Imo, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest, and Google+, Google reviews, Quora, etc.  Students should remember that action can be taken by the university if any behavior fails to meet policy guidelines, is identified either publicly or privately. The points below are noteworthy:

  1. Students must read and act in accordance with the university’s existing guidelines, and regularly check the University’s official webpage for any minor updates to documents. Students are encouraged to be mindful of how their identity, statements or views appears online as future employers and industry contacts may view social media profiles while hiring to get an idea of a candidate’s character, personality or employability.
  2. Nowadays, social media is an effective medium for raising complaints; however, be advised that social media is not the place to post about any mismanagement or any dispute that one may have with any of the faculty, department or a rule. One needs to find the right point of contact offline or the responsible person to avoid a straight post on social media. Thus, any students wishing to raise a complaint should do so via the established Student Complaints Procedure (through Proctor). This is the fastest way to get a response and resolution to the problem.
  3. Use of social media must not infringe on the rights, or privacy, of other students or staffs. Students must not make ill-considered comments or judgments about other students, staff or third parties.
  4. The logo stands for the university identity and misuse of it can have serious implications. Students must not use university website, logo or photographs of prominent personalities of the university in any of the unofficial communication unless approved and moderated by social media coordinator or the university. This also includes creating a social media page or group and misappropriating all university resources.
  5. Pages and groups other than the official ones need prior permission from the university authority to be created. The admin(s) and moderator(s) of the group must submit all necessary student credentials (Name, ID, Permanent Address, Photograph) prior to creating any unofficial page or group. For any post on these pages and groups, the admin and moderator panel will be held responsible along with the person(s) who created the post.
  • The following non-exhaustive list is considered to be of an unacceptable behavior and should never be posted:
  • Details of complaints/potential complaints involving the University.
  • Offensive statements, pictures or videos on the web and comments posted using fake accounts, made-up names or using another person’s name without their consent. Modern advanced tracking tools can quickly find out the source of the content. Being in the assumption that none will find you and hold you accountable for the posts creating hatred may land the individual in a serious legal engagement.
  • Any form of cyber bullying- both online and offline. Offline means cyber bullying taking place via other means of electronic communication such as email, text or instant messaging.
  • Anything which may bring the University into disrepute or compromise the safety or reputation of colleagues, former colleagues, students, staff and those connected with the University. Remember that the social media pages are on a constant watch by the coordinators and the management at all times. Avoid posting rumors and messages of violence and hatred through the organizational pages and groups and through your personal profiles.
  • Students, who contribute to the university’s official social media activities as part of their role, for example, writing blogs or running Facebook groups and university’s official website, should be mindful while contributing to the university’s social media activities as they are representing the university. Misuse of official University accounts may lead to suspension following a disciplinary committee evaluation and in extreme cases, may lead to expulsion and those students will not be eligible for readmission to the University at any time in the future.


A student found guilty of violation of the provision of the sections described above will be liable to punishment up to expulsion from the university as per UIU disciplinary rules.

Punishment for adopting Unfair Means: Following types of punishment will be meted out for adopting unfair means in the examination:

  • Adopting Unfair Means for the 1st time:

i) Class Test:       Course Expulsion

ii) Mid-Term & Final Exam: Trimester Expulsion

  • Adopting Unfair Means for the 2nd time:

i) Any type of Test/Exam:          Trimester Expulsion

  • Adopting Unfair Means for the 3rd time:

i) Any type of Test/Exam:          Expulsion from the University

Mobile phones of students, confiscated for adopting unfair means in the examinations, will be returned to the students only after registration of courses in the next trimester/ semester.

Students misbehaving with examiners/invigilators in the exam hall will receive expulsion for one/two/three trimesters, depending on the severity of the misbehavior, for the first offense. In case of a second occurrence, the student will face permanent expulsion from the University.

If a student is found responsible for violation(s) of the Social Media Policy of United International University, disciplinary action will be taken as under: –

Minor Punishment

  • Oral Reprimand: Advised and cautioned about misconduct orally.
  • Written Reprimand: Advised and cautioned about misconduct in writing.
  • Written Warning: Warning may be imposed during period of stay at United International University. To be communicated in writing mentioning that further violations of any section of Social Media Policy, will result in more severe disciplinary action.

Major Penalties

  • Restrictions/Suspension of Privilege: Prohibits participation in or attendance at certain events and activities.
  • Disciplinary Probation: Written notification that further violations of Social Media Policy may result in suspension. The terms of disciplinary probation shall be determined on case to case basis.
  • Suspension: Student will be withdrawn from all courses carried in that semester and forfeit fees. Student shall be refrained from visiting the university premises unless approved in writing by the Disciplinary Committee. Suspension may involve course drop, semester drop, rustication for a specified period depending on the severity of the offence(s). The student can be reinstated on receipt of a written request from him/her after completion of the suspension period.
  • Expulsion: Forfeiture of all rights and degrees not actually conferred at the time of the expulsion, forfeiture of right to study and fees. Student can only visit the university premises only if the permission is issued in writing by Disciplinary Committee.

In addition to the above, the university authority reserves the right to exercise subjective judgments in dealing with every case and any decision made by the authority will be deemed final and effective.

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