Code of Conduct for the UIU Students
The vision of United International University is to become the center of excellence in teaching and research in the South Asian region. The mission of UIU is to produce excellent human capital with intellectual, creative, technical, moral and practical skills of the highest possible level. To develop a united, interactive, involving and a caring relationship among teachers, students, guardians and employers UIU is committed to maintain proper academic environment in its premises. Students are expected to observe the general rules of discipline, honesty, punctuality, and respect the rights of others within the premises.
Students of UIU are expected to abide by the following code of conduct and avoid committing the misconducts:
Code of Conduct regarding Wearing of Dresses at University Campus:
- It is expected that all students of UIU would wear decent dresses consistent with our culture.
- Wearing shorts or sleeveless dress is strictly prohibited at university campus for a male or female student.
- A female student is expected to wear long and loose dresses at university campus.
Code of Conduct regarding Male and Female Student Relationship:
- It is expected that the relationship between male and female students should be such that no nuisance or untoward incident occurs at university campus. The relationship between male and female students should be friendly but would not cross the limit of decency.
- Students of the opposite sex should avoid touching each other (like holding hands etc.).
Academic Misconduct:
- Unfair means at the examination by any method or means.
- Helping other students to adopt unfair means during the examination.
- Reproducing the work of others as one’s own work.
- Fabrication or the falsification of any event /information.
Social Misconduct:
- Abusive or disorderly conduct.
- Sexual harassment and obscenity in any form.
- Physical assault in any form.
- Direct or indirect threat or coercion.
- Verbal, non verbal, mental, and/or physical harassment.
- Participation in any activity that may disrupt any function of the University.
- Uploading of indecent pictures or making indecent and untruthful comments via any website like facebook, twitter, messenger, email etc.
- Association with any social, political, religious, or any other organization connected with activities endangering/ likely to endanger the security of life & property of the citizens or of the state is strictly prohibited.
Property Damage:
- Willful damage or destruction of the University property.
Dangers to Health and Safety:
- Smoking inside the campus.
- Possession or use of alcoholic drinks, narcotic drugs etc.
- Possession of weapons and firearms.
Disobedience to Lawful Authority:
- Disobedience, interference, resistance or failure to comply with the direction of University personnel on duty.
- Unauthorized entry.
- Involvement in any kind of theft or misappropriation.
- Unlawful Possession of University belongings.
- Damaging and stealing library books, laboratory equipments or any other property.
The following are the representative types of penalties and sanctions that may be imposed on a student found guilty of violating the code of conduct of the University:
- Warning in the form of written or verbal notice.
- Cancellation of the exam and/or assignment for academic misconduct.
- Expulsion for one or more Trimesters.
- Expulsion from the university.