[Revised] Final Exam Schedule – Fall 2024
Publish Date : February 2, 2025

Due to unavoidable reasons, the final exams for Fall 2024, originally scheduled for February 04, 2025 (Tuesday) and February 05, 2025 (Wednesday), have been rescheduled to new dates as per the following schedule:

1.BSCSE, BSDS and BSEEESchool of Science and EngineeringDownload
2.BBA, BBA in AIS, BSECOSchool of Business and EconomicsDownload
3.BBA, BBA in AIS, BSECO (Self-study)School of Business and EconomicsDownload
4.BSBGESchool of Life SciencesDownload
5.MDSSchool of Humanities and Social Sciences
6.MBA, EMBASchool of Business and EconomicsDownload
7.MSECOSchool of Business and EconomicsDownload
8.MSCSESchool of Science and EngineeringDownload

Students can also view their updated exam schedules on the following website:

Rules for Examinees in the Exam Hall

  1. You must bring your ID card to all examinations and keep it in your possession. When you sit for an examination, your identity will be checked. If you are unable to provide ID card you have to fill in a declaration form. This declaration form will be counter signed by the invigilator. The invigilator may contact the Office of the Controller of Examinations to check the records if there is any doubt about your identity.
  2. ­­­No materials or electronic devices shall be used in an examination except those authorized by invigilator. Unauthorized materials include, but are not limited to: books, class notes, or aid sheets.  Unauthorized electronic devices include, but are not limited to: cellular telephones, laptop computers, programmable calculators and smart watches.
  3. ­Ensure that all bags and other personal belongings are deposited in the designated area. Mobile phones, smart watches or other electronic devices must be switched off and put into a bag in the designated area. Also ensure that you have kept the back cover of the calculator in your bag along with your mobile phone and smart devices.
  4. Candidates bringing any unauthorized materials or electronic devices into an examination room or who assist or obtain assistance from other candidates or from any unauthorized source are liable to punishments. Following types of punishment will be meted out for adopting unfair means in the examination:
  • Adopting Unfair Means for the 1st time:
  1. i) Class Test: Course Expulsion
  1. ii) Mid-Term & Final Exam: Trimester Expulsion
  • Adopting Unfair Means for the 2nd time:
  1. i) Any type of Test/Exam: Trimester Expulsion
  • Adopting Unfair Means for the 3rd time:
  1. i) Any type of Test/Exam: Expulsion from the University


  1. Mobile phones of students, confiscated for adopting unfair means in the examinations, will be returned to the students only after registration of courses in the next trimester/ semester.
  2. Students misbehaving with examiners/invigilators in the exam hall will receive expulsion for one/two/three trimesters, depending on the severity of the misbehavior, for the first offense. In case of a second occurrence, the student will face permanent expulsion from the University.
  3. You will not be allowed to go outside the examination hall before completion of the examination.
  4. If you have any query or you need additional paper sheet, please raise your hand. The invigilator will attend to you immediately.
  5. You are responsible for handing over your completed answer script or unused additional sheet to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
  6. You should not leave the examination hall until all the exam scripts are collected and the invigilator asks you to leave the examination hall.

Nargis Jahan
Controller of Examinations