As we all are aware, the academic activities of the United International University (UIU) remained suspended since July 16, 2024. Just as the students of other educational institutions throughout Bangladesh, the courageous students of UIU have also joined the Quota Reform/Anti-Discrimination Movement with determination to ensure their right. We lost Shaheed Md. Irfan Bhuiyan; and scores others got injured and suffered detention. Finally, our students came out victorious. UIU is proud of its students.
When we planned to resume our academic activities from August 24, 2024 online, another disaster struck the South-Eastern part of Bangladesh. Our students again stood by the helpless flood-affected people. Many of our students are still working in the flood-affected areas serving the humanity.
Despite all this, UIU needs to resume its academic activities in the educational interest of our students. We have already lost one-and-a-half months from our academic life. In order to bring our students back to their academic activities, and in reference to our notice of August 17, 2024, we have decided the followings:
- On-campus classes of all students—trimester, semester, post-graduate, etc.—will be held from September 01, 2024 (Sunday);
- A dua mahfil will be organised, in memory of Shaheed Md. Irfan Bhuiyan, on September 01, 2024 at the Masjid Al-Mustafa at 11:30 AM with the attendance of all from the UIU family (students, faculty, admin, etc.);
- Inauguration of the Shaheed Irfan Library (UIU Library), the Swadhinata Corner in the library, and the Irfan Maintenance Lab will be held on September 01, 2024;
- A cheque of Tk. 50,00,000 (Take Fifty Lakhs) will be handed over to the father of Shaheed Md. Irfan Bhuiyan on September 01, 2024;
- There will be no class test/quiz in the first week of September 2024 (01 to 06 September);
- Special academic arrangements (missed classes counselling; taking of missed CT/Assignment at suitable time, etc.) will be made for the students, who will join us later after their services in the flood-affected areas are completed, or who are severely affected by floods; and
- Considering the overall situation of our students, who are faced with different types of difficulties, the last date for Trimester Drop for Summer 2024 is extended up to September 15, 2024 with full refund.
UIU is eagerly waiting to welcome our students back to their campus on September 01, 2024.
Dr. Md. Zulfiqur Rahman